Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Ordering experience" for F# project in Monodevelop

F# project team posted snapshots of language integration into VS. I was pleased to see that they included ability to manipulate file's order in the project. So, I decided to extend F# binding for Monodevelop.

I started to look at the way to implement this feature and was surprised by Monodevelop - files in opened project are sorted by name. Thus, no visual representation of any change in file's order inside IDE. Quick solution was to add order number near file name in project pad.

"Ordering experience" is done similar to VS by adding to popup menu "Move up" and "Move down" actions.

Aye, no more project manual editing!

For F# binding (addin) for Monodevelop look project webpage.


Alexy said...

Greetings -- tried to compile FSharpBinding with the latest MonoDevelop-1.9-3 on Mac OSX and Mono 2.0.1, complains cannot find two things:


-- saying the suffix word not in prefix, did you like forget an assembly... Easy fix? :)

Alexy said...

Well I fixed it, still my MonoDevelop cannot edit Resources, and build doesn't work for F# -- can't invoke fsc.exe properly, says Build failed right away...

BTW, your Google Code instructions misspell .config/MonoDevelop/addins -- must have the s!